Cyberjacking and Domain Hijacking

The digital world is getting larger every second, which means it’s becoming quite challenging to protect yourself and your business. Cybersquatting and domain hijacking are unfortunately very common and occur when a person buys, registers, traffics, or otherwise uses a domain name that is similar to a personal name or trademark. Cybersquatting is often associated with people buying domain names only to turn around and try to sell them for profit to the business or individual with that trademarked or personal name. If you own a trademark and that someone is holding it hostage as a domain name, you may be the victim of cybersquatting.
Why is Cybersquatting a Problem?
In the world of intellectual property law, cybersquatting or domain hijacking is not uncommon. Big names from Panasonic to Hertz were all victims of this ploy. Even politicians like Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush have fallen victim to this. In some cases the motivation was strictly profit, while in others the bad actors wanted to embarrass or humiliate those they targeted. In either case, the core issue is the same. Cybersquatting causes confusion in the marketplace.
In some cases, unsuspecting users found themselves on pages that had nothing to do with the product they were searching for. In others, they were offered information that was offensive. In the case of many politicians who have faced this challenge, their users were offered information that was completely counter to their positions. Often chock full of criticism, is it any wonder that these users wanted their intellectual property returned as quickly as possible? Luckily, with the help of the right attorney, many of these cybersquatting issues were resolved.
How Can The Law Office of Zachary Hiller Safeguard My Name?
The simplest way to protect your name, brand, or likeness is to contact the Law Office of Zachary Hiller. We are particularly skilled at fighting domain hijacking and reclaiming our client’s names. Mr. Hiller has guided clients through this process by:
Suing under the provisions of the Anti-cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA)
Using the international arbitration system created by the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Negotiating with the cybersquatters to come to a mutually agreeable resolution