Protect your Business. Protect Yourself.
The Law Office of Zachary Hiller is a full service intellectual property law firm that provides comprehensive legal strategies to clients. As a specialized patent and trademark attorney in Houston, Mr. Hiller has years of experience providing counsel regarding patents, copyrights, trademarks, business formation, and other intellectual property issues.
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Welcome to the Law Office of Zachary Hiller
When people have a brilliant idea for a product, service, or business, they often underestimate how valuable and vulnerable their intellectual property is. Many innovators are often un-credited (or uncompensated) for their breakthroughs because they came up with an excellent idea, but forgot to protect their ownership of it. However, creating a strategic plan that incorporates all forms of intellectual property is key to maximizing and protecting your idea.
Utilizing his legal and technical experience, Mr. Hiller works personally with you to weigh the risks involved with your intellectual property. Following his guidance, he provides solutions that protect and promote business advantages.
Maximize Your Value With a Business and Trademark Attorney in Houston Who Gets Results
Establishing a patent, copyright, or trademark doesn’t have to be a difficult endeavor! Let us guide you through your options and put a personalized strategy in place in order to maximize the value of your business.